Joanna Walaszek

photo Maria Gutowska
Joanna Walaszek is a historian of contemporary theatre and theatre critic. She is Professor at the Department of Theatre and Drama of the Jagiellonian University, Kraków. Her research, critical and educational work centres around issues of ‘living’ theatre – the work of celebrated theatre makers (directors, actors, companies), performances, productions of dramatic plays (by Shakespeare and other authors), changing ideas, aesthetics, as well as contemporary theatre theory and practice. Her books include: Konrad Swinarski i jego krakowskie inscenizacje (1992; Korad Swinarski and his Kraków Productions), Teatr Wajdy. W kręgu arcydzieł: Dostojewski, „Hamlet”, „Wesele” (2003; Wajda’s Theatre: Amidst Masterpieces: Dostoyevsky, Hamlet, The Wedding), Ślady przedstawień (2008; Traces of Performances). She has co-authored a book based on rehearsal and performance materials, „Dziady” Adama Mickiewicza w inscenizacji Konrada Swinarskiego. Opis przedstawienia (1998; Konrad Swinarski’s Production of Adam Mickiewicz’s Forefathers’ Eve: Performance Description). She contributes to a number of magazines and journals, including Dialog and Didaskalia.