Bogusław Kierc

photo Bartłomiej Sowa
Bogusław Kierc (born 1943, Bielsko-Biała, Poland) is a poet, literary critic, actor, director, educator, editor of Rafał Wojaczk’s writings and dramaturg. He is the recipient of a PolCul Foundation Award, the Anna Kamieńska Medal, the Jan Dorman Award, the Order of Polonia Restituta (Knight) and the Gloria Artis Medal. He has published more than 20 books of poetry, and volumes of sketches Przyboś i (1976; Przyboś and), Teatr daremny (1980; Futile Theatre), Wzniosły upadek anioła (1992; Angel’s Lofty Fall), Moje kochanki (2001; My Women Lovers), Cel sfer (2003; Exposed to s-fears), Ciało z mojego ciała (2005; Flesh of My Flesh), Rafał Wojaczek. Prawdziwe życie bohatera (2007; Rafał Wojaczek: The True Life of a Hero), as well as philosophical and artistic reflections: Bazgroły dla składacza modeli latających (2010; Scribbles for the Model Aircraft Assembler). Cię-mność (2014; Obsc-you-rity). He has directed over 80 plays at dramatic and puppet theatres and created many awarded, ‘trail-blazing’ one-man theatre productions. Bogusław Kierc lives in Wrocław.