Zbigniew Majchrowski

photo Joanna Majchrowska
Zbigniew Majchrowski is a literary and theatre studies scholar, Professor at the Department of Theory of Literature and Art Criticism of the University of Gdańsk, member of the Committee for the Studies of Polish Literature of the Polish Academy of Sciences. His books include: „Poezja jak otwarta rana”. Czytając Różewicza (Poetry Is Like an Open Wound: On Reading Różewicz), Gombrowicz i cień wieszcza (Gombrowicz and the Bard’s Shadow), Cela Konrada. Powracając do Mickiewicza (Konrad’s Cell: Revisiting Mickiewicz; winner of the Leon Schiller and Nike Awards), Różewicz, Mickiewicz i wiek dwudziesty (Różewicz, Mickiewicz and the 20th Century). With Maria Janion he co-edited the volume Odmieńcy (Misfits) in the Transgresje (Transgressions) series. He has co-authored and edited many collected volumes, and co-authored the secondary school textbooks Między tekstami (Between the Texts) and Człowiek – twórca kultury (Man: The Culture Maker). He is the publisher of a collection of Andrzej Kijowski’s texts, Rytuały oglądania (Rituals of Watching), and a collection of Ireneusz Iredyński’s plays, Kreacja. Dramaty (Creation: Dramas).