
Andrzej Draguła


Andrzej Draguła, photo Krzysztof Król

photo Krzysztof Król

Andrzej Draguła (born 1966) is a Roman Catholic priest in the Diocese of Zielona Góra and Gorzów and a theologian, Professor at the University of Szczecin and the Pontifical Faculty of Theology in Wrocław, Head of the Department of Pastoral Theology, Liturgy Studies and Homiletics at the Faculty of Theology of the University of Silesia and of the Department of Religious Communications at the Pontifical Faculty of Theology. In 2006, he was Professeur invité at the University of Montreal. His books include: Eucharystia zmediatyzowna. Teologiczno-pastoralna interpretacja transmisji Mszy Świętej w radiu i telewizji (2009; The Eucharist Mediated: A Theological-Pastoral Interpretation of Holy Mass Broadcasts in the Radio and on television), Ocalić Boga. Szkice z teologii sekularyzacji (2010; Saving God: Sketches about the Theology of Secularisation), Copyright na Jezusa. Język, znak, rytuał między wiarą a niewiarą (2012; Copyright for Jesus: The Language, Sign and Ritual between Faith and Unbelief), Bluźnierstwo. Od grzechu do przestępstwa (2013; Blasphemy: From Sin to Crime), Emaus. Tajemnice dnia ósmego (2015; Emaus: Mysteries of the Eighth Day), Czy Bóg nas kusi? 55 pytań o wiarę (2015; Does God Tempt Us? 55 Questions about Faith). Draguła serves on the editorial board of Więź quarterly and is a regular contributor to Tygodnik Powszechy weekly. He has published in Rzeczpospolita and Gazeta Wyborcza. His areas of interest include pastoral theology, homiletics, (symbolic, visual and textual) religious communications, as well as theological aspects of contemporary art (film, theatre, visual arts). He lives in Zielona Góra.