Małgorzata Sugiera

photo Irena Lipińska
Małgorzata Sugiera is a Full Professor at the Jagiellonian University and Head of the Department for Performativity Studies. She lectured and conducted seminars at German, French and Swiss universities. She was a Research Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, DAAD, Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen in Vienna, Svenska institutet, the American Andrew Mellon Foundation, and in the academic year 2015–2016, of the International Research Center ‘Interweaving Performance Cultures’ at the Freie Universität in Berlin. Her research concentrates on performative arts, gender and queer studies as well as performativity and materiality, particularly in the context of the history of science. She published 12 monographs, the most recent of which are Upiory i inne powroty. Pamięć –Historia – Dramat (Ghosts and other Returns. Memory – History – Drama, 2005), Inny Szekspir (Other Shakespeare, 2009), Nieludzie. Donosy ze sztucznych natur (Non-humans. Reports from Non-natural Natures, 2015) and, together with Mateusz Borowski, W pułapce przeciwieństw. Ideologie tożsamości (In the Trap of Opposites. Ideologies of Identity, 2012) and Sztuczne natury. Performanse technonauki i sztuki (Non-natural Natures: Performances of Technoscience and Arts, 2016). She translates scholarly books and plays from English, German and French.