Janusz Adam Biedrzycki

photo Gosia Martynelis
Janusz Adam Biedrzycki (born 1982, Poland) is an actor, dancer, choreographer and theatre instructor. He graduated from the Faculty of Humanities of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, majoring in cultural studies, folklore studies and ethnology, theatre studies and film studies. He also graduated in arts management from the Department of Literary Theory, Theatre and Audiovisual Arts, University of Łódź. Janusz Adam Biedrzycki is a co-founder and member of CHOREA Theatre, and member of the integrative Theatre of Strange Truths which works under the auspices of the Community Self-Help Centre in Łęczna. He collaborated with the Social Inclusion Association on an occupational therapy workshop, and took part in the Educator in the Theatre workshop organised by the Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute in Warsaw. He has worked with NeTTheatre (Lublin) and the Pinocchio Puppet and Actor Theatre (Łódź). His choreography credits include The Roosters, Badgers and Other Goats directed by Iga Załęczna and the one-man show Fall: PSYCHO-SOMATIC GAYm. Biedrzycki also conceived and ran a series of workshops culminating in the piece Brzydal, and the Vidomi and Vidomi: Continuations, a series of dance workshops leading towards a show performed by blind and partially sighted people.