CHOREA Theatre

photo Alexandra Galambova
Founded in 2004 in Lublin, CHOREA Theatre is a vibrant group of artists, performers, musicians, dancers, actors, theatre practitioners and scholars. In 2007, they established a permanent base in Łódź in the post-industrial spaces of Scheibler’s factories, where, together with Łódź Art Centre, they co-founded the Art Factory, whose co-founder and artistic director is Tomasz Rodowicz (director, actor, musician, theatre educator; founder and leader of CHOREA Theatre). In its early days, the company conducted research into the sources of dance and music, exploring ancient classical culture. Currently, they focus on modern theatre, music, dance, performance arts and contemporary writing, creating performances that combine tradition and modernity. The ensemble has developed an original training method that combines body, voice, rhythm, partner and group work. The aim of the method is to research movement, sound and words that are woven together into an integrated whole. The company also works with groups of people who face social exclusion. It collaborates with many groups and artists from around the world. Companies under its auspices include the Great Choir of Young CHOREA and a theatre group directed by Janusz Adam Biedrzycki (dancer, actor, choreographer, director and workshop leader), who mounted The Ugly in 2013 and Vidomi in 2014, a piece created with blind and partially sighted actors. CHOREA members run theatre and music workshops in Poland and beyond. Since 2010, CHOREA has been staging the Retroperspektywy International Theatre Festival. In 2015, the group released a CD, Lulabajki, featuring Natalia Przybysz, with music for young and old alike. In 2016, CHOREA created a textbook, Trening fizyczny aktora. Od działań indywidualnych do zespołu (The Actor’s Physical Training: From Individual Actions to an Ensemble) in collaboration with the Łódź Film School and the Institute of Music and Dance in Warsaw.