Alexander Panteleev

photo Olympia Orlova
Alexander Panteleev is an actor. He graduated from the Shchepkin Institute of the Maly Theatre in 1975 (having studied under the supervision of master Nikolay Annenkov). That same year he joined the troupe of the Stanislavsky Drama Theatre. He debuted by playing the role of Sergei Krotov in Pyotr Shtein’s production of Love Story. In 1979, he performed the role of Igor in Anatoly Vasiliev’s famous production of Viktor Slavkin’s A Young Man’s Grown-up Daughter. Other roles include those of Meluzov in Alexander Ostrovsky’s Talents and Admirers directed by Vitaly Lanskoi, Lamar Albert in Semyon Spivak’s production of Masculine Singular, Lyapkin-Tyapkin in Vladimir Mirzoev’s production of Gogol’s Khlestakov, and others. Panteleev has been granted the title of the Honoured Artist of Russia.