Aleksandra Barczyk

photo from private archive
Aleksandra Barczyk graduated from the department of theatre studies of the Jagiellonian University in Cracow (2002), the Academy for Theatre Practices ‘Gardzienice’ (2006), an instructor of Dance Improvisation, body symbolic and experimental dance theatre according to the method of Detlef Kappert in the Institute of Dance and Movement Dynamics in Essen (course made in Poznań), a practitioner of Weronika Sherborne developmental movement method, a teacher of circus art, and a theatre instructor. She works in the Old Town Cultural Youth Centre in Cracow and the ‘Hipoterapia’ foundation, where she conducts workshops in theatre and circus and makes performances together with disabled people. In the academic year 2011/2012 she lectured theatre therapy at the Pedagogical University of Cracow.